Here at Breakthrough Corporate Training in Toronto, we focus on helping your business be the best in can be. I’m a corporate trainer and executive coach with Breakthrough Corporate Training, and I know that as an executive, it can be difficult to find ways to motivate, encourage, and inspire your employees. I’m here to share some of my top tips for executives.

Focus on yourself first.


You can’t be expected to inspire others if you aren’t passionate about your work yourself. If you show enthusiasm and drive at work, it can inspire your employees to work harder. Genuine passion is very powerful – don’t underestimate it. It’s also important to be proud of your work and the work the organization is doing in general – take pride in the difference your company is making in the world.

Give your employees opportunities to succeed.

Get to know each of your employees individually. This will give you a good sense of their work styles, their strengths, and their goals, which means that you can utilize them to their fullest potential. Look for ways that you can let your employees shine – give them opportunities to use their strengths in their work, and offer training and development whenever you can. Employees satisfaction is going to be much higher when they get to use their talents every day.

Offer praise and acknowledgement.

Creating a positive work environment is extremely important for success. Don’t focus on the negatives – if you have to criticize, do it in a constructive way that will help your employees improve their work. When an employee does something well, acknowledge it! Praise is one of the best motivators, and even a warm ‘thank you’ can be just the motivation someone needs to put their all into a project that day. Focusing on the positives makes people excited and inspired and happy to come to work each day.

Create a trusting work environment.

Encouraging open communication eases a lot of the tension that can arise in the workplace, and means that problems will be solved quickly. It’s also important to allow employees some freedom in the way that they do their work. If you give them some room to be creative instead of managing every detail, they will feel more comfortable and put out better work.

Encourage and value your employee’s opinions.

You should always take the time to make sure your employee’s concerns and opinions are heard, and that they feel safe sharing them, without fear of judgement. After all, they are there to contribute too, and they probably have some pretty good ideas. Encourage feedback on the overall team strategy through group brainstorming sessions or company surveys – you’ll be surprised at how good the responses are.

If you live in Toronto and want to develop your leadership skills even more, look into Breakthrough Corporate Training. We offer executive coaching, team building, and many more corporate training solutions.

Booking an appointment brings you one step closer to meeting the training demands of your workplace to increase productivity. The easiest way to connect with our talented trainers is to book a 15 minute consultation appointment through our online booking system, allowing you to choose the date and time that works best for you. Breakthrough your biggest challenges today!