“There is a 1.9 times increased likelihood of having above-median financial performance when the top team is working together toward a common vision.” – Scott Keller and Mary Meaney, Leading Organization: Ten Timeless Truths, New York, NY: Bloomsbury, 2017.
In today’s interdependent, matrix, and dynamic workspaces, the need for teams to work smoothly is critical. However, the realities of competition, ego, personal agendas and fast changing teams makes for some interesting challenges that teams and leaders face today in getting everyone to rally around a common goal. Significant barriers to team growth can be people’s resistance and fear. When it comes to organisational culture, it is essential that teams are synergised together, especially in times of significant change. Breakthrough Corporate Training has strategically partnered with TransforMe to offer the Synergizing Strengths Course©. This course/intervention has a proven track record of getting transformed results with leaders and teams in dozens of multi-national organisations.
This proprietary course will include the following outcomes for your team
• Improve the engagement results of your team.
• Breakthrough relational and organisational barriers that are hurting your team.
• Create a space for powerful conversations to happen with team members.
• Synergize the strengths of your team.
• Enhance vulnerability and empathy-based conversations.
• Get tangible results, insight, inspiration, and return on your investment.
The leadership team of a French energy company was not aligned for a critical expansion so each department was taking counterproductive and contradictory actions. At the end of the course they shared this success story:
“The session unfolded very powerfully in breaking barriers, encouraging empathy-based conversations and forging a way ahead for building deeper, stronger
relationships. We are going back as a more understood, empathetic team with potential to sustain our levels of trust and collaboration.”
This course has a proven process and methodology that gets teams to connect, converge, and conquer,
The process acts as a catalyst to team synergy, creating a safe space for people to connect on a deep level. From their authentic dialogues and facilitated experiments, they can build trust, understanding, and positive intent. The team successfully sets norms and holds each other accountable to higher standards. The Synergizing Strengths intervention follows a 4-step approach to enable teams to Catalyse, Converge, and Conquer. Breakthrough Corporate Training has strategically partnered with TransforMe to offer The Synergizing Strengths Course©.
Training Options
Step 1 – Diagnostics – This includes meetings and interviews with the participants and key sponsor/leader.
Step 2 – Team Assessment report to assess the metrics of your team’s health. This team assessment serves as a strong pre and post evaluation, with tangible metrics, when taken again at least 3 months after the intervention.
Step 3 – The Synergizing Strengths Lab – This is a 1–2-day classroom lab-based session led by industry leading and award winning methodologies that TransforMe facilitators have mastery over. At the end of the workshop, the group walks away with a clear and implementable plan to truly synergize their strengths!
Step 4 – We recommend coaching to implement what’s been learned and gain maximum leverage after the intervention. We will discuss the coaching options with your leaders.